, DragonForce!!!!
OMG!!! You guys!! This was a rollercoaster of emotions here. I'm still recovering days later. So, I started out by trying to track down their publicist, but they don't actually have one. So, the next person to try is their manager. I didn't hear back from them, which is not unusual as it is not actually their job to handle such things. Not being one to give up, especially since I was dying for this show, I used every weapon in my arsenal. I asked John, of Darwen's Theory, to get me a pass through Herman Li. (Fun Fact: John and Herman play on Twitch together. I don't know what that actually means, but I knew John would be handling Herman's Twitch live stream for this show.) And he came through! Oh, man, did he come through. (If you don't know Darwen's Theory by now, you are really missing out on some great metal.) Once I had confirmation from their people via email, I felt like I could really breath again. For a moment. Until the next show. It's a vicious cycle. I get to the venue and check with will call for my ticket and credentials, and was told by the very nice young man behind the glass, that the pass list has not been given yet. My heart sank. Ok, not a problem, there's time. I text John, who was with the band, that the will call doesn't have the list yet. He told me to keep checking. It only took another 10 minutes for the list to arrive and I got the BEST surprise....on top of getting the ticket and photo pass, Herman had hooked me up with a backstage pass. The nice young man behind the glass really enjoyed how happy and excited I was. It was probably a nice change from the several people who got all pissy over not getting a paper ticket. Yes, you read that correctly. I witnessed several people get angry at HIM over only getting a digital ticket, and not a collectable paper one. As if that's his fault. What an incredibly awful thing to be yelled at by strangers over. You're awesome, young man behind the glass. Never let anyone make you feel that you're not. So, I'm thrilled, and I could not hide my excitement. I thanked him several times, while doing a little happy dance, and took all my passes -of of which was pink!-and headed over to the backstage security gate...because I could! The security guard who inspected my bag and all that was so incredibly nice. The first person I saw was Herman. He was everywhere! He did everything. I decided to play a game with John called "I found a Herman." If I wasn't near John, I would take a photo and send it to him with the caption "I found a Herman." This went on all night. I hung out with John and the band before the show started, and then I went to work. The photo pit was so tight that we could all only stand in a single line. At one point I tried to move to a different side of the stage and I tripped...onto the only other female in the pit...and I am pretty sure my hand went right where it should not have gone. I was mortified. I tried to apologize, but it was so loud and I forgot I had a mask on. I found her after the set had finished and she could hear me and I explained that I tripped and I was very sorry. She understood and told me not to worry about it. She was very nice about the incident. It was time for DragonForce. We weren't allowed back into the pit until the security guards gave us the okay. The band had cannons set up to shoot confetti bombs and they didn't want any of us to get hurt. They were so nice about it. The show was incredible. I can't even describe it. I tried in my review here. Also, the band...the nicest people EVER. Seriously. I hope I get to shoot them again. Everything about them, as musicians, as human beings, draws you in and makes you want to be around them. So. Incredibly. Nice. And awesome. You can find Herman Li's Twitch account here. He is very active on his account and live streams all their shows.
Come with me on some awesome photo adventures and a few wild shenanigans. Archives
December 2023
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